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回收Agilent R347B|微波噪声源 Agilent R347B|微波噪声源 联系:
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Email 1273686062@
中文产品简介: Agilent R347B主要特性与技术指标: ?在毫米波频段内具有的性能和可靠性 ?长期保持出色的 ENR 稳定性 ?低驻波比 ?1 年标准保修
Agilent R347B描述: Agilent R347B 噪声源的工作频率范围为 26.5 至 40 GHz。该波导噪声源支持您方 便地测量毫米波器件的噪声系数。R347B 可在系统或被测元器件的输入端提供非常精 确的宽带噪声。噪声系数测量仪可处理系统 IF 中出现的噪声功率的开/关比,并提供噪 声系数和增益的读数。R347B 噪声源能够长期保持非常出色的 ENR 稳定性,因而 可以减少校准次数,提供更的噪声系数测量。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
英文产品简介: Key Features & Specifications: ?Performance and reliability at millimeter-wave frequencies ?Excellent ENR stability over time ?Low SWR ?1 year standard warranty
Agilent R347B/Description : The Agilent R347B noise source covers a 26.5 to 40 GHz frequency range. This waveguide noise source allows you to make accurate and convenient noise figure measurements on millimeter-wave devices. The R347B provides highly precise broadband noise at the input of the system or component under test. The noise figure meter then processes the ON/OFF ratio of noise power present in the system IF, and provides an accurate reading of noise figure and gain. The R347B noise source has remarkable ENR stability over time, which allows longer recalibration cycles and more accurate noise figure measurements. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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